Igueben Local Government Area is in Edo State, Nigeria. The headquarter is in the town of Igueben. check out the zip code of Igueben below

District: Amahor

Amahor Waterside 310110
Eguare 310110
Idumodin 310110
Obodeko 310110

District: Ekpon

Idumeko 310111
Idumesa 310111
Idumeshebe 310111
Idumodin 310111
Idumogun 310111
Idumuoigue 310111
Ijeduma 310111
Ikekogbe 310111
Ikpedu 310111
Isiliakor 310111
Ogbe 310111
Olenokhua 310111

District: Ugun


Eguare 310109
Idumesan 310109
Idumu-Ikhialen 310109
Idumu-Ikhinlen 310109
Idumuadocha 310109
Idumuneduegbe 310109
Ikekogbe 310109
Oduwebho 310109
Okaigben 310109