Katsina StateFuntua Town Area Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0786 Funtua is a town in Katsina State. Funtua is also a Local Government and one of the 34 local Governments Areas in Katsina State Area:...
Katsina StateDaura Town Area Zipcodeszipcode by zipcode0758 Daura is a town in Katsina State. Daura is also a Local Government and one of the 34 local Governments Areas in Katsina State. Area:...
Katsina StateKatsina Town Area Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0872 Katsina city is located in Katsina state. It is home to more than 420,000 people and is known for its agricultural enterprise. Katsina is a...
Katsina StateKankiya L.G.A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0774 Kankia (or Kankiya) is a Local Government Area in Katsina State, Nigeria. Its headquarters are in the town of Kankia. Check the zip code of Kankia...
Katsina StateBakori L.G.A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0610 Bakori local government area is in Katsina State, Nigeria. It was carved out in 1989. It has a population of more than 641,000. Check out...
Katsina StateBata-Garawa L.G.A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0773 Batagarawal local government area is located in Katsina town. It has its headquarters in Batagarawa town. It has a huge population of Hausas. About 200,000...