Borno StateBiu Town Area Zipcodeszipcode by zipcode0769 Biu is a town in Borno State. Biu is also a Local Government and one of the 27 local Governments Areas in Borno State. Area:...
Borno StateMaiduguri Town Area Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0945 Maiduguri Town Area Zip Codes – Maiduguri is the capital and the largest city of Borno State in north-eastern Nigeria. The city sits along the seasonal Ngadda River which disappears into...
Borno StateBama Town Area Zipcodeszipcode by zipcode0805 Bama is a major city in Borno State. Bama is also a Local Government and one of the 27 local Governments Areas in Borno State. Area:...
Borno StateBama L.G.A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0738 Bama local government area is located at Borno state. It has its headquarters at Bama town. It is home to 260,000 persons. Check out the...
Borno StateKonduga L.G A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0687 Konduga local government is located in Borno State, Nigeria near Maiduguri. It has a population of more than 13,400. Check the zip code of Konduga...
Borno StateDamboa L.G A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0908 Damboa Local Government Area is located in Borno State. It has Its headquarters inDamboa. It has a population of 233,200. Check out the zip code...