Yobe StateDamaturu Town Area Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0781 Damaturu is a town and Local Government Area in Yobe State, Nigeria. Damaturu is one of the 17 Local Governments and capital of Yobe State....
Yobe StateNguru Town Area Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0720 Nguru local government area is located in Yobe state. It has its headquarter in Nguru town. It is home to more than 150,000. Check out...
Yobe StateBade LGA Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0581 Towns Zip Codes Adia 631101 Alagarno 631101 Amshi 631101 Azam 631101 Bursari 631101 Chirawa 631101 Dalia 631101 Dikum 631101 Dogona 631101 Gabaruwa 631101 Gapchia 631101...
Yobe StateBusari LGA Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0537 Busari LGA Zip Codes Towns Zip Codes Bade Gana 620103 Bayammari 620103 Bula 620103 Buruta 620103 Butsari 620103 Damana 620103 Damanawa 620103 Dambuk 620103 Danani...
Yobe StateDamaturu LGA Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0813 Damaturu local government area is located in Yobe state. It serves as the state capital and has a population of more than 80,000 persons. Check...
Yobe StateFika LGA Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0838 Fika local government area is located in Yobe state. It has its headquarters in Fika town. It has home to more than 120,000 persons. Check...