Sapele town is located in Delta state. it is home to more than 200,000 persons. Check out the zip code of Check out the zip code of below below

District: Elume

Amuokpokpo 331109
Elume 331109
Igbimidaka 331109
Inabome 331109
Jakpa 331109
Ogiedi 331109
Okuoke 331109
Olan 331109
Onoghro 331109
Oyohe 331109

District: Sapele Rural/Amukpe

Adegbarassa 331107
Ajakimonu 331107
Ajamikawa 331107
Amukpe 331107
Amuogodo 331107
Aruowon 331107
Atamua 331107
Ebada 331107
Egbeku 331107
Egborode 331107
Emuaegbedi 331107
Gana 331107
Ikwewu 331107
Ogorode 331107
Okirigwre 331107
Okuovwori 331107
Oton 331107
Sapele 331107

List of Towns and Villages in Delta State

Complete List of Delta State Zip Code, Towns & Villages

District: Ugborhen

Ekeresan 331108
Okopkooro 331108
Okuodede 331108
Okuovu 331108
Ugbokurusu 331108
Ugborhen 331108