Rabah Local Government Area is in Sokoto State, Nigeria. The headquarter is in the town of Rabah. It has a population of 149,165. check out the zip code of Rabah below

District: Gandi

Gandi 842104
Gundumar-Bunu 842104
Kurya 842104
Tsamiya 842104
Yar Tsakuwa 842104

District: Rabah

Baraya Zaki
G/Buwai 842103
Galadima 842103
Gawa Kuke 842103
Goddodi 842103
Gundumar-Riji 842103
Mai Kujara 842103
Rabah 842103
Rarah 842103
Tofa 842103
Tursa 842103
Yari-Gwaddadi 842103