Osun StateIfedayo L.G.A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0865 Ifedayo local government area is in Osun State in southwestern Nigeria. It is the newest recent local government areas to be created. Check out the...
Oyo StateSaki East L.G.A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0762 Saki East L.G.A is a Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. Saki East Local Government is one of the 33 Local Government Areas of...
Rivers StateDegema L.G.A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0819 Degema is a Local Government Area in Rivers State, Nigeria. Degema Local Government is one of the 23 Local Government Areas of Rivers State. District:...
Ogun StateYewa South L.G.A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0982 Yewa South L.G.A is a Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria. Yewa South Local Government is one of the 20 Local Government Areas of...
Osun StateOrolu L.G.A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0835 Orolu Local Government Area is in Osun State, Nigeria. The headquarters is in the town of Ifon. check out the zip code of Orolu below...
Osun StateIla L.G.A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0780 Ila local government area is in Osun State, Nigeria. The headquarters is in the town of Ila Orangun. The population is more than 62,049. check...