Kaduna StateAfikpo South Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0609 District: Afikpo Amachara 490101 Amachi 490101 Amaekwu 490101 Amaizu 490101 Amangbala 490101 Amangwu 490101 Amankwo 490101 Amaobolobo 490101 Amauro 490101 Amauzu 490101 Amuku 490101 Egeburu...
Delta StateBurutu LGA Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0608 Bomadi local government area is in Delta State, Nigeria. It is near Forcados River. check out the zip code of Burutu below District: Burutu-Forcados TOWN...
Delta StateEthiope East LGA Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0633 Ethiope East local government area is located at Delta state. It has its headquarters in Ikokolo town. It is home to more than 200,000 people....
Delta StateEthiope West Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0796 Ethiope West Local Government Area is located in Delta State, Nigeria. It has its headquarters in Oghara town. It is home to more 200,000 people....
Ekiti StateIjero-Ekiti LGA Zip Codes .zipcode by zipcode0689 Ijero Ekiti is a town in Ekiti State of Nigeria in West Africa. “Ijero Ekiti” refers to a common thought or mutual understanding which is...
Oyo StateIbadan Town Area Zipcodezipcode by zipcode01047 Ibadan is the capital and most populous city of Oyo State, Nigeria. With a population of over 3 million, it is the third-most populous city...