Otukpo area can be found in Benue state. It has a large group of dwellers from the Idoma tribe. It is an important place for the Idoma people. Check out the postal codes for Otukpo below.


Otukpo Village (Rural)

Location Postcode
Otukpo-Icho 972101
Otukpo-Nobi 972101
Upu 972101
Upu-Icho 972101
Okpamaju 972101
Okpobeka 972101
Olachinta 972101
Olooja 972101
Otada-Ehaje 972101
Otada-Icho 972101
Otobi-Otukpo 972101
Adoka 972101
Igbanonmaje 972101
Ajobe 972101
Ikobi 972101
Akpa 972101
Ipakangwu 972101
Akpachi-Ipepe 972101
Itoo 972101
Akpachi-Ipole 972101
Jericho 972101
Akpegede 972101
Obaganya 972101
Amla-Ehaje 972101
Odudaje 972101
Amla-Icho 972101
Ogome 972101
Asa- Ehicho 972101
Ojantelle 972101
Asa-Ehaje 972101
Ebologba 972101
Edikwu 972101
Efa 972101
Emichi 972101
Idabi 972101
Ife 972101

Otukpo town

Location Postcode
Otukpo 972211
Otukpo 972212
Otukpo 972214
Otukpo 972221
Otukpo 972222
Otukpo 972223
Otukpo 972224
Otukpo 972231
Otukpo 972232
Otukpo 972233
Otukpo 972241
Otukpo 972242
Otukpo 972251
Otukpo 972252
Otukpo 972261