Benue State

Oju L.G A Zip Codes

Oju local government area is located in Benue State. Check out the zip code of Oju below

Obi/Oju L.G.A Zip Code


District: Igede

Adum 971106
Adum – Okete 971106
Ainu- Ette 971106
Ameka 971106
Anchim 971106
Andibilla 971106
Anyadegwu 971106
Anyone 971106
Anyuwogbu 971106
Atekpe 971106
Ebonda 971106
Edumoga 971106
Ega 971106
Eja 971106
Ekoti 971106
Ekpong 971106
Epwa-Ibilla 971106
Ibegi 971106
Ichacho 971106
Ichakobe 971106
Idajo 971106
Ihulam 971106
Ikachi 971106
Ikomi 971106
Itega 971106
Itipala 971106
Iyeche 971106
Oba-Ogebe 971106
Obachita 971106
Obi 971106
Obigwe 971106
Obijegwu 971106
Obohu 971106
Oboru 971106
Obotu 971106
Obubu 971106
Obuza 971106
Ochimode 971106
Ochodu 971106
Odubo 971106
Oga-Olowa 971106
Ogengeng 971106
Ogogo 971106
Ohio 971106
Ohirigwe 971106
Ohoho 971106
Ohuma 971106
Oikpodom 971106
Ojingi 971106
Oju 971106
Okakongo 971106
Okete 971106
Okileme 971106
Okonche 971106
Okpinya 971106
Okpoma 971106
Omope 971106
Onyike 971106
Opoan 971106
Orihi 971106
Oshirigwe 971106
Otakini 971106
Otakpi 971106
Otunche 971106
Owori-Obotu 971106
Oyiwo 971106
Uchenyum 971106
Ucho 971106
Ugburu 971106
Ukpa 971106
Ukpila 971106
Ukpute 971106
Umoda 971106
Utabiji 971106
Wori-Obotu 971106


District: Ito

Abelega 971108
Abofutu 971108
Adega 971108
Adiko 971108
Adodo 971108
Adum West 971108
Adum-East 971108
Akiraba 971108
Akunda 971108
Ameka 971108
Anchiomodoma 971108
Any-Oko 971108
Anyagwu 971108
Anyichika 971108
Ayoye 971108
Ebong-Itogo 971108
Echoro 971108
Eewu 971108
Ekingo 971108
Igbegi 971108
Igwe 971108
Ijanke 971108
Ijegwu 971108
Ijokwe 971108
Ikandiye 971108
Ikiriye 971108
Ikponyine 971108
Ikwokwu 971108
Inyuma 971108
Ipinu-Adiko 971108
Irabi 971108
Itakpa 971108
Ito 971108
Itogo 971108
Iyaho 971108
Oba 971108
Obigago 971108
Ochinebe 971108
Odeleko 971108
Odiapa 971108
Ogede 971108
Ogilewu-Itogo 971108
Ogoro 971108
Ogwope 971108
Ohehe 971108
Ohuma 971108
Ohuye 971108
Ojantile 971108
Ojegbe 971108
Ojenya 971108
Ojor 971108
Ojuwo 971108
Okpirikwu 971108
Okpirikwu-Adum 971108
Okpokwu 971108
Okukukwu 971108
Okuntegbe 971108
Okwubi 971108
Okwumaye 971108
Otokwe 971108
Owo 971108
Owo-Adum 971108
Oye-Obi 971108
Oyinyi 971108
Ubeke 971108
Ubele 971108
Udebor 971108
Udegi 971108
Ugbodom 971108
Ukpuleru 971108
Ukpute 971108
Utugboji 971108
Yeshewe 971108


District: Uwokwu

Adodo 971107
Adum 971107
Alloma 971107
Anwu 971107
Arigede 971107
Ebenta 971107
Egbilla-Idella 971107
Egbilla-Izzi 971107
Ekpete 971107
Enugu-Oye 971107
Enurn 971107
Esewa 971107
Ibalakum 971107
Idele 971107
Ifator 971107
Igbegi 971107
Igbella 971107
Igbilla 971107
Igwe-Ette 971107
Igwoke 971107
Ikatakwe 971107
Ikoku 971107
Ikori 971107
Inyuma 971107
Irachi 971107
Itafor 971107
Itakeni 971107
Iyator 971107
Iyokolo 971107
Obaogede 971107
Obene 971107
Obiladun 971107
Odaleko 971107
Ogaka 971107
Ogege 971107
Ogori 971107
Ojokwe 971107
Okekpo 971107
Okochi 971107
Okwurum 971107
Orihi 971107
Otukpo-Oye 971107
Owori-Ipinu 971107
Oye 971107
Ubeke 971107
Uda 971107
Udogwu 971107
Uje 971107
Ukpute 971107

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