Njaba Local Government Area is in Imo State, Nigeria. The headquarter is in the town of Nnenasa. It has a population of over 143,000. check out the zip code of  Njaba below

District: Amucha

Duriaku 474127
Duroboaku 474127
Duruewuru 474127
Duruigwe 474127
Ebeasaa 474127
Ebeise 474127
Eziene 474127
Umuduruoka 474127
Umunudo 474127
Umunzu 474127
Umuokpoko 474127
Umuokwara 474127
Umuoma 474127
Umuorji 474127
Umuzikeabum 474127

District: Atta

Egwedu 474128
Eziuba 474128
Isiekwe 474128
Ohima 474128
Ubokoro 474128
Ubudom 474128
Ugbele 474128
Umuerim 474128
Umumanu 474128
Umunam 474128
Umuoke 474128

District: Okwudor


Abazu 474124
Umuawi 474124
Umudirogha 474124
Umuelem 474124
Umuneke 474124
Umuofeke 474124
Umuokwara 474124
Umuseke 474124

District: Umuaka

Achara 474123
Amafor 474123
Amainyi 474123
Amakor 474123
Ibele 474123
Isiozi 474123
Obeakpu 474123
Ogbele 474123
Uba 474123
Umuele 474123