Esit-Eket can be found in Akwa Ibom state. The community have a cultural and historical bond with the Eket people. Check out the zip codes for Esit Eket below.

Eke Afaha Clan

Locations within Eke Afaha use the same code:

Location Postcode
Afaha Ekpene 524109
Akpa Utong 524109
Edi 524109

Eket Offing Clan

Areas within Eket Offing use the same code:

Location Postcode
Aba Ekpe 524108
Edida Edoir 524108
Edor Atai 524108
Eebi Akwata 524108
Epkene Obo 524108
Etebi Idung-Asan 524108
Ikpa 524108
Mbak Uyo 524108
Ntak Inyang 524108
Odor Nkit 524108
Oniok Edor 524108
Uquo 524108
Urua Okok 524108
Uwuo Iso Edoho 524108