Abia State

Umunneochi L.G.A Zip Codes

Umunneochi can be found in Abia state. The people of the area are mostly farmers, traders or miners. Production of food crop is rife in the area, and has a total population of 163,928. Check out the zip codes for Umunneochi below.


Location/Street Postcode
Amaelu 441112
Amaogidi 441112
Ihita 441112
Lokpanta 441112
Obilagu 441112
Umudi 441112
Uru 441112
Amaekwuru 441112



Location/Street Postcode
Achra 441111
Amuda 441111
Ihie 441111
Lomara 441111
Mbala 441111
Ndiawa 441111
Ngodo 441111
Umuaku 441111
Umuelem 441111




Location/street Postcode
Akawa 441110
Eziama 441110
Ubahu 441110



Location Postcode
Amaubiri 441109
Eluama Amairoka 441109
Eluama Orota 441109
Eziama 441109
Ihite-Lekwesi 441109
Ihite-Leru 441109
Ikenga-Lekwesi 441109
Ikenga-Leru 441109
Uru 441109


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