Sokoto StateSokoto Town Area Zip codeszipcode by zipcode0750 Sokoto is a town located in Sokoto State, Nigeria. Sokoto is also the capital of Sokoto State. The name Sokoto is of Arabic origin, representing...
Sokoto StateTambuwal Town Area Zip codeszipcode by zipcode0702 Tambuwal local government area is located in Sokoto state. It has its headquarters in Tambuwal town. It is a home to more than 200,000 persons....
Sokoto StateKware L.G.A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0708 Kware Local Government Area is in Sokoto State, Nigeria. The headquarter is in the town of Kware. Check out the zip code of Kware below...
Sokoto StateBinji L.G.A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0806 Binji is a Local Government Area in Sokoto State, Nigeria. Binji Local Government is one of the 23 Local Government Areas of Soko State. District:...
Sokoto StateBodinga L.G.A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0614 Bodinga Local Government Area is in Sokoto State, Nigeria. The headquarters is in the town of Bodinga. It has a population of over 175,000. Check...
Sokoto StateDange L.G.A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0641 Dange Local Government Area is in Sokoto State, Nigeria. The headquarters are in the town of Dange. check out the zip code of Dange below...