Kogi StateIgbala-Mela/Idah L.G.A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0825 Idah local government area is located in Kogi state. It serves as the Igala people headquarter. Over 70,000 persons love in Idah. Check out the zip...
Katsina StateKankiya L.G.A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0815 Kankia (or Kankiya) is a Local Government Area in Katsina State, Nigeria. Its headquarters are in the town of Kankia. Check the zip code of Kankia...
Ondo StateIrele L.G.A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0865 Irele is a Local Government Area in Ondo State, Nigeria. Irele Local Government is one of the 18 Local Government Areas of Ondo State. District:...
Katsina StateKurfi L.G.A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0645 Kurfi Local Government Area is in Katsina State, Nigeria. The headquarters is in the town of Kurfi. It has a population of over 117,000. Check...
Kogi StateIjumu L.G.A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0815 Ijumu Local Government Area is in Kogi State, Nigeria. The headquarters is in the town of Iyara. Check out the zip code of Ijumu below...
Katsina StateKusada L.G.A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0718 Kusada is a Local Government Area in Katsina State, Nigeria. Kusada Local Government is one of the 34 Local Government Areas of Katsina State. District:...