Borno StateJere L.G.A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0713 Jere is a Local Government Area in Borno State, Nigeria. Jere Local Government is one of the 27 Local Government Areas of Borno State. Location...
List of Towns and Villages in MainIkpoba Okha LGA Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode01710 Ikpoba Okha local government area is located at Edo state. It has its headquarter at Idogbo town. It is in the belongs to the Edo...
Borno StateKaga L.G A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0666 KagaLocal Government Area is located in Borno State, Nigeria. It has Its headquarters inBenisheikh. It is home to 90,015 people. Check out the zip code...
Borno StateKala/Balge L.G A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0578 Kala/Balge Local Government Area is located in Borno State, Nigeria. It has Its headquarters in Rann. It is home to more than 60,797 people. Check...
Borno StateKonduga L.G A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0736 Konduga local government is located in Borno State, Nigeria near Maiduguri. It has a population of more than 13,400. Check the zip code of Konduga...
Borno StateKukawa L.G A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0698 Kukawa Local Government Area is located in Borno, near Chad. It was established in 1814 and served as Kanem-Bornu capital. Check the zip code of...