Oyo StateOlorunsogo L.G A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0653 OlorunsogoLocal Government Area is located in Oyo State, Nigeria. It has Its headquarters in Igbeti. It is home to 81,759 persons. Check out the zip...
Oyo StateOluyole L.G A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode01637 Oluyole Local Government Area is located in Oyo State, Nigeria. It has Its headquarters in Idi Ayunre. It is home to 202,725 people. Check the...
Oyo StateOna Ara L.G A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0921 Ona Ara is a Local Government Area in Oyo State, Nigeria. Its headquarters are in the town of Akanran. It is home to less than...
Oyo StateSaki West L.G.A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0723 Saki West is a Local Government Area in Oyo State, Nigeria. Saki West Local Government is one of the 33 Local Government Areas of Oyo...