Kogi State

Ogori / Magongo L.G.A Zip Codes

Ogori-Magongo local government area is located in Kogi state. Akpafa is the headquarters of the area. It is home to more than 30,000 persons. Check out the zip codes of Ogori-Magongo below.

Ogori / Magongo

District: Ogori / Magongo

Town         Zip Code
Afuku 263103
Aiyeromi 263103
Akonoboro 263103
Amuguru 263103
Apata 263103
Arawu 263103
Arere 263103
Ayetoro 263103
Efan 263103
Eke 263103
Eku 263103
Eku Daudu 263103
Eku Oba 263103
Emayin 263103
Eni 263103
Eni-Odan 263103
Ibee 263103
Ichede 263103
Iken 263103
Ileteju 263103
Mangongo 263103
Obatigben 263103
Obinoyin 263103
Ogbekete 263103
Ogburu 263103
Ogori 263103
Ojubedi 263103
Okesi 263103
Oku 263103
Omoda 263103
Onumeba 263103
Opakeru 263103
Oshegbenene 263103
Oshobane 263103
Osobolo Oturu 263103
Oyinowo 263103
Udadegun 263103
Ude 263103
Ugbundun 263103
Ugudun 263103
Ugugu 263103


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