List of Towns and Villages in MainEsan North East L.G.A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0712 Esan North-East Local Government Area is in Edo state of Nigeria. It has a population of over 119,000. check out the zip code of Esan...
List of Towns and Villages in MainEsan West LGA Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0786 Esan West local government area is located in Edo state. It is home to 190,000 persons. Check out the zip code of Esan West below...
List of Towns and Villages in MainEtsako Central LGA Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0619 Etsako Central Local Government Area is in Edo State, Nigeria. The headquarters is in the town of Fugar. It has a population of over 94,000....
List of Towns and Villages in MainEtsako East LGA Zip Codes .zipcode by zipcode0875 Etsako East local government area is in Edo State, Nigeria with its headquarters at Agenebode. It has a population of over 145,000. check out the...
List of Towns and Villages in MainOnicha LGA Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0896 Onicha Local Government Area is in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. It has a population of over 236,000. check out the zip code of Onicha below District:...
List of Towns and Villages in MainOrhionmwon LGA Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0727 Orhionmwon local government area is located in Edo state. It has its headquarters in Abudu town. It is home to more than 206,717 persons. Check...