Delta StateBomadi LGA Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0716 Bomadi is an Ijaw local government area in Delta State, Nigeria. The town lies on the bank of the Forcados River. check out the zip...
Delta StateBurutu LGA Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0622 Bomadi local government area is in Delta State, Nigeria. It is near Forcados River. check out the zip code of Burutu below District: Burutu-Forcados TOWN...
Delta StateEthiope East LGA Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0646 Ethiope East local government area is located at Delta state. It has its headquarters in Ikokolo town. It is home to more than 200,000 people....
Delta StateIka North South LGA Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0777 District: Abavor TOWN ZIPCODE Abamise 321102 Abavor 321102 Azuowa 321102 Ebudo 321102 Ekuoma 321102 Evbe 321102 Idumueha 321102 Idumuehe 321102 Idumute 321102 Igbogi 321102 Obi-Anyima...
Delta StateWarri Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode01131 Warri is a Local Government in Delta State, Nigeria. Warri Local Government is one of the 25 Local Governments in Delta State. Upper Erejuwa Aboh...
Delta StateSapele Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0770 Sapele town is located in Delta state. It is one of Nigeria’s industrial cities, with timber, palm oil and rubber processed there. The town is...