Benue StateGuma L.G.A Zip Codezipcode by zipcode0659 Guma Local Government Area can be found in Benue State, Nigeria. The headquarter of the town is in Gbajimba. It has a population of more...
Benue StateKonshisha L.G.A Zip Codezipcode by zipcode0754 Konshisha Local Government Area can be found in Benue State, Nigeria. The headquarters is in the town of Tse-Agberagba. It has a population of 225,672...
Benue StateKwande L.G.A Zip Codezipcode by zipcode0667 Kwande Local Government Area is located in Benue state. The area has its headquarters at Adikpo town. Check out the zip code of Kwande below....
Benue StateLogo L.G.A Zip Codezipcode by zipcode0666 Logo is a Local Government Area of Benue State, Nigeria. Logo LGA is one of the 23 Local Government Areas of Benue State. Its headquarters...
Benue StateMakurdi L.G.A Zip Codezipcode by zipcode01278 Makurdi city is located at Benue state. It is the state capital and a popular Nigerian airforce base. More than 500,000 people live in Markudi....
Benue StateUkum L.G A Zip Codeszipcode by zipcode0739 Ukum Local Government Area is located in Benue State, Nigeria. It is home to 216,000 people. Check out the zip code of Ukum below Location...