Jakusko Local Government Area can be found in Yobe State, Nigeria. The headquarter is in the town of Jakusko. It has a population of over 229,000 persons. Check out the zip code of Jakusko below

Towns Zip Codes
Bayam 631102
Buduwa 631102
Daifa 631102
Dudua 631102
Dumbari 631102
Gamajam 631102
Ganya 631102
Garin Maiturmi 631102
Garinsalha 631102
Gibbo 631102
Gidigid 631102
Gogaram 631102
Goldimari 631102
Gurunga 631102
Jaba 631102
Jakusko 631102
Japbo 631102
Japoji 631102
Jawur 631102
Katamona 631102
Labo 631102
Lafiya-Loi 631102
Muguram 631102
N.Gambo 631102
Nasari 631102
Ngelsom 631102
Saminaka 631102
Zabudum 631102
Zeddi 631102